
Thursday, November 30, 2006

This is shot of George after appearing on "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart" Last night. George is making the rounds promoting his new film, "The Good German," a new Steven Soderbergh movie.

You can watch the interview with tha always witty and charming George on YouThttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CV7o5kwvbl4ube -

I'm very bummed that while George has been on the East coast he hasn't been in touch, nor have his people been in touch with my newpaper regarding an interview. George, if you're reading this, the Cape Cod Times is a great paper. I promise I'll write a lovely piece about you - especially if you take me to dinner first. To hell with journalistic ethics, it would be worth losing my job over.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

So George is the second man in history to be names People Magazine's Sexiest Man Alive a second time. The first? Brad Pitt. Just to see how disparate our lives are, in the course of a week I turned 50, got taken to Boston by some girlfriends, was given a very lovely pair of Lucky jeans by my friend, Pat - thank you again, Pat! During that same time I'm sure George won some award, kissed a starlet and yes, was named Sexiest Man Alive.But hey, did he replace a toilet handle all by himself like I did? It may not make me the sexiest woman alive, but I can flush!

Read more about George's People coup at: http://people.aol.com/people/package/sma2006/gallery/0,27827,1539441_1559557,00.html

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Oh all right. This isn't MY cake, but it is a 50th birthday cake. My name isn't Sue and I didn't have a Marilyn Monroe cake,but I thought this one was really fun and if my name was Sue it could be my cake.

George didn't show or call, but I'm not ready to give up yet. I have a few tricks up my sleeve yet.

I'd be happy to entertain any suggestions from readers - feel free to send them in!